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Inclusive economic development

1. Improved conditions for productive education, decent work, for free and fair employment
2. Strengthened systems for better access to social security
3. linking beneficiaries to job opportunities
4. Fostering entrepreneurship skills
5. Create financial independence among Trans and Non binary persons

Human rights, democracy, the rule of law and gender equality

1. Strengthened respect for human rights, democracy, and the rule of law, including equity for all
2. Greater gender equality, including reduced gender-based violence, and access to, and respect for, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)
3. Mitigate human rights abuse and violations based on sexual orientation and gender expression

Humanitarian Interventions

1. End homelessness amongst young Trans and gender conforming persons
2. Provide access to safe, secure and dignified emergency accommodation, with necessary supports and without discrimination on any grounds, and take special measures to protect the rights of Non-binary Transgender and Gender non conforming in street situation


1. Fashion shows, drag performance, and sports
2. Create spaces for young Trans and Gender non conforming persons to come out and tell stories of their lived experiences
3.Trained police and relevant state actors to interact with homeless persons in a manner than respects and promotes their dignity and rights

Sponsorship Opportunities

We are looking for sponsors to support our community. For details and a customized benefits package, please contact us at (800) 111 – 123 – 4567 or 773-584-6669.©2024. All Rights Reserved.